Maybe you're someone looking to connect with faith for the first time? Or someone returning church after many decades away. Or someone new to the area looking to make some connections. Maybe you're someone who isn't even quite sure about this "religious stuff," but wants to find new opportunities to serve and strengthen our local community.
If you're looking for more information about getting involved at Messiah, please reach out to Pastor Dustin at 518.253.9978 or [email protected]. Pastor Dustin regularly checks emails and voicemails Sunday through Thursday, and less frequently on the weekends.
One of the best ways you can learn about all Messiah has to offer is signing up for our Weekly Update by using the brief Mailchimp form below.
If you're looking for more information about getting involved at Messiah, please reach out to Pastor Dustin at 518.253.9978 or [email protected]. Pastor Dustin regularly checks emails and voicemails Sunday through Thursday, and less frequently on the weekends.
One of the best ways you can learn about all Messiah has to offer is signing up for our Weekly Update by using the brief Mailchimp form below.
No matter who you are, you are welcome here at Messiah Lutheran Church and the Rotterdam Community Center!
- To visit us in person, check out our Visit Us page.
- To see a chronological list of all events at both facilities, visit our Parish Events page.
- To check out our lineup just at Messiah's Worship Center, visit our Parish Calendar.
- For the latest news releases from Messiah, visit our Parish News page.
- To contribute to our life changing programs in time, talent or treasure, visit our Donate and Volunteer page.
- To learn more about how Messiah is governed and operated, visit our Policies and Forms page.
We can't wait to welcome you as we all work together to ensure our neighborhood here in Rotterdam, New York is nourished in body, mind and soul!